The TCK Care Accreditation is a multi-agency effort with a board made up of experts in various areas of TCK care. The Standards for Accreditation went through a year-long review process involving personnel from over 30 US-based missions organizations.

empowering sending entities to provide quality TCK care through measurable standards.

Download the Standards for Free. The Self-Assessment is linked in the Standards.

Upcoming Events

TCK Live

Virtual Recording

Watch the recording of Interaction International’s TCK Live as they interview some of the members of the TCK Care Accreditation Board about the process of setting the standards.


Virtual Recording

Hear about all the updates we’ve made on the standards of care for TCKs, the process for Accreditation, and how you can join us in raising the quality of care for TCKs across the board.

Roundtable discussion - February 10, 2022

board nominations due - February 28, 2022

Trial organization applications due - february 28, 2022

Board election - March 16, 2022

Standards available - January 11, 2023


full Launch of accreditation program - Fall 2023

The timeline