Serve families with excellence

If your organization does not pass accreditation standards or would like to move to a higher level of certification, you will have the opportunity to schedule a re-evaluation.

Re-certification is required every 3 years.

If you are interested in receiving more information, please email us at

  • Step 1: Standards & Self-Evaluation

    Using the link below, download the Standards included with the rubric for self-evaluation.

  • Step 2: Interest Form

    Would you like to receive accreditation? Fill out this interest form and, if approved, you will be sent the application with a $75 application fee.

Accreditation Costs

Travel costs are not included.

Pricing is for 3-year accreditation.

Consider Similar Accreditations:

$6000-$8000: For a small organization to receive financial accreditation with the ECFA over three years (including auditor fees).

$7000+: For schools to receive academic accreditation