Frequently asked questions

What if our organization has many branches?

You can choose for us to evaluate all branches of your organization as one unit or choose a single branch for evaluation. We want to see that TCKs under your care are receiving care that meets the standards. What we are looking for is that you show how that standard is being met across branches.

Can we look at the standards and work to meet those without pursuing accreditation?

Absolutely! Our goal is to see continuously improving TCK care. We welcome everyone to use these standards to consider how you might improve TCK care in your organization. The value of obtaining the accreditation is the collaborative audit of your programs that includes rich feedback about areas that your org is doing well and areas that can be improved.

Are smaller organizations with fewer resources less likely to earn Accreditation?

Not at all! We are looking for how the org aims to care for TCKs. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways and the standards have been developed to be attainable by orgs of any size.

Do we have to meet all of the standards?

No! We will be looking for how many of the standards your organization meets in each matrix/category. Our rubric allows for accreditation even if some standards in each category are not met as we have created it to present a number of different ways the same care goals can be achieved. However, every category needs to have some standards met. You cannot earn accreditation if one entire category is does not meet or exceed expectations.

What if we can’t provide everything in house?

That’s fine! We’ll then ask how you are meeting those requirements through outsourcing.

What is considered a “family unit”?

When we say that our pricing is based on number of family units, we mean families who are on the field with children (TCKs) who are under your org or branch’s care.