Setting a standard of excellence for tck care.

THe Standards of Evaluation

Within each of the 16 categories are multiple standards of care. Each standard is evaluated with a rubric of Does Not Meet, Meets, and Exceeds. Essential categories require an average "Meets" score in order to be awarded by TCK Care Accreditation.

Categories of Evaluation:

  • TCK Caregiver Qualifications

  • Child Safeguarding

  • Recruitment and Redeployment

  • Orientation to Organization

  • Pre-Field Training

  • On-Field Care

  • Organizational Conferences

  • Educational Planning for TCKs

  • Mental Health Services

  • Debriefing

  • Post-High School-Age Repatriation and Care

  • Crisis Care

  • Home Assignment Planning and Care

  • TCK Alumni

  • End of Service Repatriation

  • Transitioning of Caregiver

Download the Standards (the Self-Assessment is linked in the Standards)